Do you appeal single family residential properties?
Our specialization is commercial property assessment appeals. We do appeal multi-family, assisted living, life-lease properties and co-operative housing complexes. However, we do not appeal individual residential properties, such as a single family homes or condominiums. To file an appeal on a residential property in Winnipeg please click here. Outside of Winnipeg, please contact your local RM to file your assessment appeal.
Why are property assessments appealed and not the property tax itself?
Taxpayers cannot directly appeal the property taxes on their property. However, the property tax bill for a property is based on the property assessment for that property, and the property assessment can be appealed. In order to reduce property tax to a fair level, you need to appeal the assessed value of your property.
What are the benefits of appealing my commercial property assessment?
Investment Property Owner
Reduction in operating costs
Increase in net operating income
Increase in property value
Maintain market competitiveness
Tenant retention
Owner Occupied Property Owner
Reduce operating costs
Maintain cost competitiveness
When can my property assessment be appealed?
In Manitoba, once you have received your assessment notice, you have 20 days to file an appeal of your property assessment. Generally, the deadline to appeal your property assessment falls in the 3rd or 4th week of June (in Winnipeg) or late summer/early fall (rest of Manitoba), or 20 days after you receive a notice of a Supplemental Assessment. Unless your property has undergone a significant change (in which case a Supplemental Assessment is issued), properties in Manitoba are re-assessed every two years. The next re-assessment will occur for the 2025 taxation year, with assessment notices issued in June of 2024.
How does the appeal process work?
As your property assessment appeal agent, we will: review the assessed value of your property and determine its fair market value; negotiate with the Assessment Department; represent your interests at the Board of Revision Hearing and Provincial Municipal Board (if required) and provide you with updates throughout the process.
In a regular assessment cycle, the Board of Revision hearings are usually held within 1 - 6 months following the filing of your appeal. Any reduction gained in an appeal at the Board of Revision is applied to the taxation year under appeal.
Should your appeal need to go to the Manitoba Municipal Board, the appeal timeline is dependent on the caseload of the Municipal Board. Upon success at the Municipal Board, the resulting tax savings are applicable to the time period under appeal and you would receive reimbursement from your municipality.
If I appeal my property assessment, is there a possibility that my assessment will increase?
Prior to recommending filing an appeal for a property, we conduct a thorough review of each property, including the assessed value vs. market value. We only recommend proceeding with an appeal where the assessed value exceeds market value, where there are errors in the assessment that should be corrected, or where there are issues of classification or liability to taxation. If we do not believe an appeal is warranted, we will not proceed.
Can you appeal my business tax?
Yes. Property assessment and business assessment are related, and we do appeal business assessment on behalf of our clients.